Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Genocide Watch Article - 29 April 2010

This article can be found on Genocide Watch, Resources, By Region, Africa, Southern Africa, South Africa.



by Dr. Pieter Mulder

29 April 2010


Capacity: FF Plus leader and deputy minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries


What does South Africa sixteen years after 27 April 1994's election?


Remember the reaction when President Mandela in 1995, the number six Springbokrugbytrui dressed and South Africa rugbywêreldbeker won?


The current political settlement reached in 1994, is not an automatic given no. Wise leaders on both sides of the political spectrum will continuously work to continue and adapt it to South Africa a safe home for not only the black majority, but also for all minorities in South Africa.


The past three weeks, with the deliberate singing of "Shoot the Farmers' song, with numerous murders, including the murder of Eugene Terre'Blanche, there are many spoken and written about the 1994-array and how South Africa is today forward. Just a few facts:


Since 1994, more than 300 000 (328 244) people killed in South Africa. This is an average of 60 people per day. The past seven years to March 2009 is nearly 135 000 people in South Africa killed (134 552).

The world average for murder is five per 100 000, but in South Africa it is 38 per 100 000. Almost eight times more.


Since 1994, over 3 000 farmers and farm workers killed in more than 10 000 farm attacks. This gives a figure of more than 200 per 100 000.


It is these figures that people's idealism and dreams destroyed after 1994. If at some ANC pronouncements listening, beginning 27 April increasing the significance of the victory of one group over another. It is historically wrong and a recipe for renewed conflict and not cooperation not.


With Malema on one side and radical statements on the other hand, is South Africa today is more polarized than any other time since 1994.


Black racism against whites is now very popular. I can give numerous examples. Black racism is used to voices and to recruit people to mobilize. But no black racism solve problems - it just creates new and bigger problems. Black and white leaders should be condemned.


But the same goes for white racism. White racism does not solve problems - it just creates new ones. I read this white racism in anonymous angry rant on the internet and irresponsible statements. White and black leaders should be equally condemned.


This is the easy kind of politics. I sweep my people and you whip yours - and what do we say?


What is difficult politically? Difficult political and true leadership is a place in the sun for all people and groups in South Africa. Politically difficult to apply to win-win solution to come out. Solutions that nobody feels aggrieved and oppressed not. There is such a modern international solutions. Difficult policy is where I for my own supporters' interests without fighting the bigger picture in order to lose. Before you wise leaders on all sides and imaginative solutions.


Most people and groups in South Africa fail for peace, cooperation and peace. Such solutions can be found again as the modern international solutions look. Worldwide and minority self-determination formulas in societies like those of South Africa to use harmony and cooperation. Let us debate it. Debate it with an open mind. This could adjustments and a opvolgskikking which leads many of the problems can be addressed.



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